I've actually posted this quiz before HERE, but only a few were able to answer so I'm posting this up again. This time, I made it into a widget to make it more easier for you to answer. For those who haven't answered this quiz yet, aren't you curious to see who your ideal SS501 boyfriend would be? For those who have answered this quiz already, you could try it again and see if your ideal boyfriend before is STILL your ideal boyfriend now. Please don't be BIASED! Answer honestly and according to your preferences please, not according to your favorite member! Then maybe you can share your results in the comments section. Thanks to Gwyn and Zee from TSPH for creating this fun quiz! Enjoy!
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SS501 As Boyfriends » ProProfs Quiz Maker
Credits: imonebrat@TripleSPH + Zee@TripleSPH + triplesphilippines.blogspot.com
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My ideal boyfriend is Heo Young Saeng! Haha. I didn't expect that since my favorite memeber is Hyung Jun. But Saengie seems super sweet in the quiz! Whoever ends up with him in real life is veeeeery lucky ♥
mine is kyu!! ha. my fav member is jung min but i'm still glad i got the sweet kyu! heh
...I'm very much surprised with the result..Heo Young Saeng, he!he!...yes, I agree to what risa above said, he seems sweet and caring in the options to choose from., very far from what I thought he is..
i've got what i want...haha...^___^ happy...HJB
jung min..<3
my fav and result..
loving it..<3
i got baby. hahahahahaha.. :D
I got Hyun Joong oppa (coincidentally my fav too1 <3), but the description for him is the same as Young Saeng's description... Is there a bug in the quiz or..?
@HJL fan: sorry about that. Just a little error that I had to fix. I fixed it now, so you should be getting the correct results. Try it again! :)
i got HJL :) But my biased is HJB. :)
Still, happy with the result. I love HJL's 4D personality. :)
i got leader XDDDDD
it surprises me! i thought it should be forever centre kyu <3
Kyu! Got who I want. Hehe.
I wasn't being biased at all but I still got Leader. :"> Is this destiny right here? HAHAHA!
I got Kyu!
I am leader biased but still happy coz I love Kyu's sweet personality.. =)
wow i got leader as my bf ..
how i wish i can get him in real life .. he he
i got Young Saeng oppa which was unexpected... keke.. wow~!!! he's really sweet in those descriptions!!!! i wish i could a boyfrend just loike him ^^
btw i'm a HJB biased~ keke ^^
I think Leader will always be just a star to me...distant and untouchable. For a partner, I would pick someone like---Kyu?!
wow totally unexpected ....
my result is baby Kim hyung jun :) my favorite one is Heo young saeng ....
but still i liked KHJB in the descriptions ^^
i wish i were his Girlfriend :3
awo so sweet :3
like it ...
(: thanks a lot :)
I got Kyu Jong oppa(my favorite)..... SO HAPPY =))))) ..... i would like to have a boyfriend someday just like him. Very kyute, simple, caring and sweet. <33333
I got baby~ haha, for the answer choices i either answered baby or kyu. they're both so sweet. i love these two <33
I tried so hard not to be biased but in the end I still got who I wanted surprisingly hahas. Kyu was such a sweetie in the answer choices and I chose him a lot but I'm surprised I didn't end up with him :P
OMG>>> i got my biased baby!!!apparently he is my ideal boyfriend~~
OMO, HJL. lol, he's my least favorite member XD I was hoping for HJB, but lol, he was the 5th. Wah, everything is switched around for me! efjfsedfe XD
wow ..
I got a good heart kyu jong ^ ^
although I like Young Saeng but if get kyu jong I also want to ...
one because he was kind heart, gentle and sure glad to have a boyfriend like him ^ ^
I cant believe it!!!young seang?????
he is not my favorite!!!I love HJL, I didnt expect it but its ok.saengi now you are my boyfriend
OMG!! I got Saengie..It's weird b/c my fave is actually Kyu Jong, but most of the answers I chose were Saengie's..lol..im okayy with it b/c he was my 2nd favee.. =P
I tried this quiz twice and I got Jung Minnie oppa on both. Yeah, as what I want. He is my favorite. I love his personality. But I think baby is sweet, too.
Still love Jung Minnie forever ^______^
baby24mhyne {tsph}
i cant believe it, based on the options, i like most of kyu and saenggie, but it results to baby which is my fave, i thought it was kyu,, love it,, saenggie is sweet.. i love mal's :"OH My GOODNESS, I LOVE YOU!" love them all.. FOREVER!!
haha..i got kyu too..even though he's not my fav. but he's the best boyfriend type among ss501 members..we got the same cutiepie love kim beom..hehe..you got kyu but ur fav is jung min..my fav is also jung min but i also got kyu !!..so happy with the result..
My fav is Jung Min, but the result is Kyu. I like Kyu too, so I'm Happyy :) Kyu is very gentle,sweet,caring.
P.S. Sorry for my bad english
I'm ss501 fan from Bulgaria :) I love this blog :)
love the questions! :D
specially loved the jung min: throws the umbrella away and we get wet together! :D hehe
thanks for sharing these.
i answered all but too scared to look at the final answer hehe :D
I got Kyu even though Leader is my bias. But come to think of it, I can have anyone of these 5 amazing men, and I won't complain. Hahaha!
I shared all my answers fairly between KHJ, HYS & KKJ. But still, after the quiz my ideal boyfriend is Hyun Joong. Really happy with the result! Hehe. :)
it's kim kyu jong... i really like those answer that belong to him... though baby is my favorite but those childish answer was given to him... however i think those answer was somewhat their personalities.... I love them all!
Woah. I kinda didn't expect the result for I was like "OMG! My ideal type after all was Kyu Jong!" But I ended up having Leader as my ideal boyfriend. Haha. We're still destined in anyways! I almost fell for another one. :))
I was totally suprised, i got Kyu! i found it odd because i had never really noticed Kyu as much as the others but soo happy i got him (he is TOO cute! ^-^)
I got saengie as my ideal boyfriend...love it! So liking the result of this quiz. :)
..kim kyu jong:) is my ideal boyfriend.he's not my fav but still i like him..he is very kind and sweet..love ss501 4ever!!!:)
mine is KIM KYU JONG .. hahha my labs.. lol ~.~
he is my favorite .. :) i lab it .. !!
the result on mine is Hyung Jun and he's my favorite.
wow!!!!!got wat i wanted!!!!
love kyu jong!!!
i think it's been rare got the result of him...
but,, idc... i love him!
i got hjb!!! Arh.... My favourite member. He is in singapore now! Juz like me!!! I am going crazy!!!
I love HyungJun so much.
He's my favorite.
Well, this made my day. Thanks for posting this quiz.
Love SS501 Fighting!!
hahaha~! I got leader as my Ideal boyfriend...maybe because we both have unusual mind and don't like sweet stuffs...TT.TT
But my fave is Hyung Jun...
mine is kim hyun joong >.<
I got baby!!
His character make me attract to him..
...i really like jung min but i didn't expect the questions and the results...hahaha but it was so funny answering them all..hahaha so i got Kim Kyu Jong...he's sweet!!i think i like him now..haha
i got leader ... i love him .. he is not too sweet, you can have privacy and enjoy very funny moments with he .... i dont like sweet things ... but i thought that hyun joong and jun-kun were on the same position because in some questions was very hard to take a desition because i liked both of them .... for example the question about the family and the one which was about before to go to sleep i chosee HJB ... but there are some other such as when you go to a trip ... i imagin HJL as tamki and i almost died waaaaaa and the food i really love eat ramen becuse of naruto XD ahhh ...
i've tried this long before and, obviously from my choices (without bias), i got jung min. i tried it again just now, and i've changed some (or maybe a lot) from my answers before, and i still got the same! hahaha is this true?? :)
mine? i've got kyu jongie, even though i love hyung jun...hahahaha....either one is good, i don't complain...i knew me and kyu jong has something....he's pieces and i'm scorpio, we are meant to be together....so happy!
YAY I got Kim Kyu Jung. When I first took the Quiz it was Heo Young Saeng. Both are not bad. I adore them all.
young saeng is my ideal type of boyfriend!!! and i got him!!! LOL
btw he seems so romantic in the questions..are these their actual answers?? you got it from somewhere and make it a quiz??
anyway, i enjoy it! (~..~)
A very bias person person.
So Leader, hahaha, but Kyu Jong is my 2nd choice and 3rd is Makane and Saengie, lastly is Jung Minnie-yah! Hahaha.
Got the leader...ROFL! I was expecting that result, because I, too, never liked romantic and mushy stuff...
Got the leader too! Romantic is not for me (I agree with the 'anonymous' person who commented before me).
Although there's probably about 0.00001% chance that he will be my boyfriend. Because:
1. He's a decade older than me...=_=" AND
2. I'm from Australia, so I don't know Korean
omo omo omo...
I got leader. Hyun Joong Oppa is really my type
Love it!love it I'm not actually xpecting that it'll gonna be Hyung Jun even tugh he's my crush I thought its gonna be Ypoung
i love my result.. trully fits me with a guy like hyung joom kim.. responsible.. and fun to be with even having bc skedules..
Kim Hung jun....yeppie. Although the chances of me ever meeting them is basically zilch, we can still dream can't we??
kyaa,,baby??as my ideal boyfriend??
a little bit shock,,but i think he'll be nice boyfriend,,n cute of course..^^..baby,,amore litua..
Haha. Very expected answer! I got Leader as my ideal. Since I'm older than him, maybe my expectations for an ideal bf would be more to his personality type. LOVE YA. Hyung Joong!
my ideal boyfriend is LEADER!!hehehe..I love leader n jung min too..^__^
i got hyun joong oppa...
love everything about him so much...
he's my fav member...
love him...
i got sAEngiE...oppa.. hahaah
love him so muchh hehehe
i love them all.. keke.. specialy to my shillang!!! saengie kekeke my prince :">
.. my idea bf is kim kyu jong..love it..!!!!
Hyun Joong
Young Saeng
Kyu Jong
Jung Min
Hyung Jun
I got HJL. Not surprising since we have very similar personalities. I think Kyu Jongie will be the best BFF though. lol But if I'm a little girlier, I'd totally go for Kyu. <3
I wonder how I got Saengie as second. o.o He'll be romantic and all but I hate mushy stuff.
My Result is Kim Hyung Jun and he is my favorite
yay i love him
anyone got kyu jong? i did...yay...<3! kyu jong is like a hugging machine in this quiz...:p
oh my gosh!!!! the result was: my ideal boyfriend is HEO YOUNG SAENG... yay!!! i'm so happy with the result since he is also my favorite member in the band... <3 i love him!!!!!
I've got baby~
I'm surprised that most of my answer are Hyung Jun, Young Saeng and Kyu Jong.. xD
I got Minnie!!! Yay!
Love ya,sweetie <333
I got kyu jong... my fav..
wow...i got kim hyun joong...hahahahaha...looking forward for that...hahahahaha...u been so lucky to me to be my first boyfriend...hahahaha
so surprised i got baby and he's my fav..
but i think i'll get kyu coz he such sweet man and many questions answered him..
yeah but my friends said I'm 4D one so I match with personality like baby
love the result :)
and very nice quiz ^^
the quiz's result shows that my ideal bf is young saeng!!!..love it!!,,his my favorite member!!..
he's so sweet and gentle in this quiz..hope he really is....
this quiz is so hard because its hard to choose the answers because all the guys are my ideal boyfriend :(
got HJL as my ideal boyfriend.
it was soooo hard to choose,
all of the choices were great! x]
♥ . . . . .
i got jungmin oppa as my ideal boyfriend!
he's my favourite!
i love this quiz! haha<3
I've got what i want!!!!!
Shy Prince Heo Young Saeng♥♥♥
Whoah... i got kim hyun joong as my ideal boyfriend... although it is so hard to choose but i really choose what my heart tells... actually i also don't like mushy stuff because for me action speaks louder than words..(this is my first time to comment, im just happy with the result) and when a person is so shy to show his feelings, he do incredible and surprising stuff just what kim hyun joong did in WGM... i really like him in that show... specially the aegyo... hehehehe... still watching it from time to time esp. when i am depressed.. just seeing his smile warms my heart... kim hyun joong ... ****fighting*** more power & God bless!!! be healthy... ^-^
Kim Kyu Jong!!<3 This sweet guy is the next-door type of guy who is nice enough to care for me every need.
Jung Min's my bias but I got KYU JONG!! I really didn't expect it but Kyu's a really sweet guy. I'd totally go for someone like him.
My boyfriend is PARK JUNG MIN!! yaaay..
I thought it would be kyu or seangie (i answer not because of my fave member).. coz most my answers on option saeng and kyu. but then the result is jung Min.. hahah3. he's my fave and really really want him to be mine! LOL
I got Young Saeng ahahahahah..... just suitable with my horoscope
i've got kim hyun joong. as expected. :D
.,,wEw.,., i'vE gOt Heo Young Saeng,.,ahahaha.,., I dIdn't expect it cause mY fAvoRite meMber iS pArk jUng miN anD kim hYung jUn.,.,hmp.,., buT I stIlL LiKe iT cauSe hE is sO cuTe.,., anD hE sayS sweEt oN thE OpTions.,., :) .,, lUv iT,.., :)
i got baby jun this is the second result and i don't like lol i like is kyu jong or leader but is ok hahaha
wow!i got jung min(my favorite member)as my ss5o1 boyfriend!
i'm sooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!
I got Young Saeng twice and my bias,Leader, the last time!
hahaha my ideal bf is kim hyu jun but my favorite is kim hyun joong
,.hahaha...i just got my result and it is KIM KYU JONG oppa...i just answered it according to what action i want my boy to do..hehehe...that's right...he is really my ideal guy...love it...
Hahaha, I got Heo Young Saeng, but actually I like Kim Hyun joong...
Hyun Joong oppa!! I love you!!!
hahaha...i got kim hyun joong oppa...yes..he is my ideal man...like it
i'm rea....ahahaaha..mine is baby hj...because i am biased....hehehe really love baby hj..
Haha I got Hyun Joong! :D
Even though i'm Hyun Joong bias, is because i like his personality. :)
I think he has the same personality as me mostly when it comes to love? For me, i can't seem to express much, so thats why he's like me when it comes to this too? :D
&&I love aliens too, who doesn't... I believe in em ever since i was small. xD
i like kim hyun jun forever!!!! ilike him very much!!!!
i got KYU!!
slthough i'm a saengie bias..
still happy with the result ^^..
kyu is the sweetest man ever ^^
Ohhhh I´m so happy... My ideal BF is Kim Hyun Joong I love you....
Haha!! feels GREAT because it's Hyun Joong oppa <3
but in fairness to young saeng and kyu jong they are both sweet <3
I'm glad i took the quiz even if its just for fun ^,<
I got Young Saeng oppa!
but, Hyung Jun is my bias.. ^^
He's just sweet!
Young Saeng oppa! :))) you're my man. hahaha!! ^^
my bias and my everything. :))
I got Kyu Jong yayyy :DD I want to have a boyfriend like him, calm and sweet ^^
my ''imagination boyfriend'' is Kyu Jong yayyy!! :DD like like like. hope I'll have a boyfriend like him, calm and sweet ^^
I tried my hardest to not be biased, but it was so hard!! Jung Min just sounds so very great to be with. I want someone that will be there strong and steady, that has his own strong personality and isn't scared to stand up to be and bicker back a bit. I love you my Jung Min oppa!!! *^-^*
is Kyu Jong:) The one i love..
I got Kim Hyun Joong, keke~ (^__^)
..hahAhah . .. i'Ve gOt "KIM HYUN JOONG" . .. . saRanghAe oppa :)
I ended up with Heo Young Saeng. He is my fav, but I'm not sure I'd be able to marry him. With him smoking and all, but I'd stil love him. (plz stop smoking young saeng, u'll screw up ur lungs, then u wnt hav your angelic voice anymore.)
ive got hyun joong oppa... (^.^) but it seems that ku joong is ver sweet ... ^_^
wow......i've got kim hyun joong my fav.
so happy :)
i was hoping for HJL but then i had HJB . well its okay, i do also like him and how sweet he is :))
that's funny
hah hah... i like this!!
I got Heo Young saeng and I know I loved him before. please I miss you all and I want you to be together. Be sure that I will not support SS502 I want to see SS501 members together.
It's Kim Hyun Joong <3 <3 <3 hahhaa but whiLe I'm answering the question am a Li'L bit torn between Hyun Joong's 4D character and Young Saeng Sweetness hahah ^_^
Ya! I got Kim Hyun Joong!!! My favourite member and Kpop star! So HAPPY!!!!
yay! I got Heo Young Saeng!! even though I love Kim Hyun Joong, Young Saeng is my 2nd favorite! cool! I wish this is for real!! :))))
mine is hyunjoong...
XD actually i really like him... but i don't expect to get him as my ideal boyfriend... xD i think I'll got hyungjoon or kyujong.. XD but hyunjoong is really good.. XD
daebak.. this quiz is interesting...
i got my pic- HJL
but i'm wondering,
is Young Saeng really that sweet.??
awhh. i somewhat hoped it was him for me. :"33
but still hyun joong oppa is great.
and i really love it. xDD
OH my gosh !!! KIM HYUN JOONG is my ideal boyfriend in ss501 group ... i didn't expect that.. honestly i love KIM HYUN JOONG so much !!! i hope i can see him in person... =) i really like this kind of quiz
I got Kyu. So sweet. He will be there caring and tending to me everything i need him (dreaming.......zzzzzzzzzzz)
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! i am soooooooooooooooooooooooo surprised and SHOCKED at the result i got! i got Kim Hyun Joong!!! i honestly didn't expect it! and on top of that he's actually my favourite member in the group! i mean during the quiz i am pretty sure that for nearly all the answers i selected Kim Kyu Jong...and sometimes Heo Young Saeng, and i only clicked Kim Hyun Joong a few times (same with Park Jung Min and Kim hyung Jun)....i don't get how on earth i got him, BUT...i am soooooo happy that i got him!! i was actually expecting it to be Kyu Jongie since i kept selecting him for nearly all the questions and not Kim Hyun Joong, but since i got Kim Hyun Joong (the person who i was wishing i would get but didn't think it would ACTUALLY come TRUE!) i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!! i wish i could meet him and SS501 together in person one day!!!! i really enjoyed taking this quiz!
ive done it twice with different answers & i got kyu both times awesome
I got Young Saeng as my ideal boyfriend n he also my favourite in SS501..
Daebak!!! I excited with this interesting quiz, may SS501 quickly re-united and can see them at stage with magnificient
i got KIM HYUNG JUN !!! haha~ i did the quiz honestly ~ but i got really HyungJun ... baby is my bias ~ XDD
That's great! I got Kyu Jong.. But.. I want them all!!! otoke??! hehe
I got Hyun Joong! Lol... I thought I was gonna get Kyu Jong, and I am pretty sure that it was almost a tie between them :)
i got kim hyun joong..my fav! eventhough i prefer kyu jong as bf..haha..but seriously speaking that kim hyun joong n kyu jong personality if we mix up.. the result is my bf in real life!lol
Kim Kyu Jong...as expected ^^ I'm from holland(europe) so they'll never come here ;( so i just keep admirering them from a large distance :)
mine is hyung jun sshi...
i luv u KIM HYUN JOONG... <3
took this twice.. one biased and one honest. Still I got Baby Hyung Jun. :) I LOVE MAKNAE!:">
i got leadah!! haha...
i hope to get prince saengie but he's action seems to be so sweet...kkk
my ideal is kim kyu jong..!! :))
a sweet quy who qave everythinq u need and care u a lot.........
but honestly ,, i want kim hyun joong oppa ^^
Prince Saengie is my favorite. But, in my surprise, I got Kyu Jong!! I did honestly, not biased. I know, Kyu is simple, cute & calm. And he's not extremely shy as Saengie. He's really a nice guy. So, I wish Kyu be my lover...My Romantic Lover who will care everything about me :) Love you SS501
hyung jun!!!!m mad abt jung min bt as a boyfrnd...........umm its hyung jun or kyu jong,dey had a tough competition!!
Kyu is my type of guy
but unexpectedly I got Baby Jun :)
awww the cute baby ^^
got hyun joong! favorite & ideal?! YESSSS <3
i got HJL....my fave is HJB. but based on personality i think i match with leader
i got leader hyun joong,,very much satisfied,,hehehe
result: BABY KIM HYUNG JUN..haha.. love him!!
I got ......Kim Hyun Joong ...I never expected KHJ to be my edeal boyfriend .....I'm so so so so so so happy and I cannot believe it !!!
Your ideal boyfriend is Baby Kim Hyung Jun! This pretty boy will cheer you up with his cute and adorable antics and bring out the child in you
I'm sure it is between Kyu and Hyung Jun.... they're both are so sweet... I guess prefers the aegyo but kind type...
I love this quiz...Do more quiz.
Haha... Got hyung joong as bf...i wonder what a weird couple will we be but yet care for each other silently... Hahaha...
No wonder I love him so much..heavenly match soulmate I guess hahahaha...
I got Hyun joong! love of my life! By the way,the quiz is so funny! I was laughing so hard reading the answers! especially baby's reactions :)
my gosh.. this quiz is so true.. hahaha.. my ideal boyfriend is kim kyu jong.. i love him so much he is my crush.. since ss501 debut.. =)
woww... my one is kyu jong
I really like him :) <3
love all the 5 members :*
I got Young Saeng oppa. I was kinda surprised about the result 'cause the night before I took the quiz, I dreamt about him. I really love Young Saeng oppa and Kyu Jong oppa but normally I dream more about Kyu Jong oppa at night so I was expecting that it would be him. But then when I got the result, it was kinda bit shocking and immediately thought about my dream last night. So I guess it was from my unconscious mind and some hidden feelings and desires. I can say this because I am a Psychology major and I kinda know some things about dreams and unconscious mind. Eventhough the result was unexpected, I am still very glad and very happy about the result. And also even if this quiz is not accurate, it still made me happy.
See you soon SS501 oppa, SARANGHAE <3
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