I love listening to Kim Hyung Jun in his radio show Music High. I enjoy hearing his laugh, his own wacky versions of kpop songs, which he sometimes sings to keep listeners awake, and his voice itself is a comfort to listen to. For those who don't know Hyung Jun, he is simply adorable. Too cute for words! If you want to get to know him better, watch his Progamer series. You will have several fits of laughter and you will love him dearly. The youngest of SS501 is no longer a baby, but he will still be a baby in the hearts of all Triple S.
Thanks to daum, I was able to embed a simple widget here so we can listen to Music High everyday at 2am-3am (Korean time) and 1am-2am Philippine time! The player is on autoplay so it will start playing as soon as the page fully loads. No need to click the Play button.

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T___T it doesn't load for me...
me too, it doesn't work. T__T
aigooo baby,, cute and funny think just only u.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.. thanks 4 share.. ^_^
I love him so much, his voice is so cute...^^
I'm so happy every day to hear him!
Thank You Baby Jun!!^^
Sometimes, it doesn't work for me too. But if you refresh the page and play it again, usually that does the trick. If it's still not working, you can delete the cookies in your browser, close the browser, and try and open again. :) It's worth hearing Hyung Jun in his adorkable self. ;)
is baby onair from Park So Hyun's broadcast?? aigoo i love his voice, no change at all, still cute as usual..
I feel so sad...T.T!
cause I always said: today I'll heard him but... I fall asleep...=(!
Thank you for share this ^^
I'm very happy hear Kim Hyung Jun's voices
it doesn't load...T_T
why i can't hear anything..T_T
if the player doesn't load, then your computer must not support flash. sometimes refreshing the page does the trick. if it's still not working, you can delete the cookies in your browser, close the browser, and try and open again. :)
it doesn't really load.. anyway.. thanks for the help..:) maybe i should download a flash player..:)
It really doesn't work.. I can't stream. what flash should I download for it to work?? thanks for the help.
If you can see the player, then you don't need to download flash anymore. But if you keep on hitting the play button, and no sound comes out, then I guess your browser won't let you. Have you tried deleting the cookies? And refreshing and closing, then load again? Sometimes, I also have the same problem, but that usually fixes it. :)
this progam is in real time?
Really happy just to hear his voice.
Why can't I listen to it? :( I can't hear anything..I tried it on Daum but still I can't...Please help me :(
uhm.. i just want to ask what flash player could you recommend to me?:)
it use to work for me, but now i can't hear anything!
Same goes for me..T.T cant hear but it was ok just a few days ago...u think there might b a problem with the server over there?
there's no sound from the player since yesterday. anyone got the same problem also??
same here. it used to work for me.
hi guys, i edited the code a bit, so the player should be working fine now. the page takes some time to load, so the player will load once the whole page has done loading.
there is still no sound from the player..T_T
no sound...
i want to hear his voice....!!
for me it's not working since you phtriples edited the code...T__T!
okay, i set the player to autoplay, see if it works this time. no need to play the button, just wait for the page to fully load and the player should start playing.
It works, but you have to install the windows player plugin in order to hear i guess. I tried that. (:
i don't really understand o-o
beginner in Korean :,(
after my schooling,
i open my computer and listen to music high!!
omo~ hyungjun so adorkable.. ^^,
nice to hear again their songs, even though can't understand, i'm still happy to hear it again in his station and mentioning ss501.yah! fighting!!!
wont be able to listen after school starts :,(
i still can't hear his voice...somebody..please help me!!!
waaaaaaaaaa'h is MUSIC HIGH only play MODAY TO FRIDAY??
and not saturaday?
pls. post some replies
omo jun's voice is so cute thanks for sharing this to us...^^
I have just recently discovered Kim Hyung Jun's music and i am fast becoming a fan! Inspiring
:D Adoro escucharlo me hace pensar en estar más cerca de él... lo amo!!!! :D
I love his voiceeee...
I'll love him forever^^
tripleS! SS501 foreveeeer=D
thanks 4shared!!
oh..i love ss501...love to find this site..at least hearing baby lessens my sadness...
Ooooh! I soo love baby's voice! :') Kim Hyung Jun fighting! :D
ahhhh...finally i can hear his voice..nahhh..feel like i'm going to have a good dream to night...kekeke
Can someone please tell me how to listen to MusicHigh? I've tried everything, refreshing the page like 501 times, downloading flashplayer, downloading windowsplayer plugin, but I STILL CANNOT LISTEN TO MUSICHIGH! D:
there are times you have to wait long time to play the sound page .... sometimes I have to wait until 10 minutes ... anyway if you can not hear it must be because you did not install the plug-in that automatically appears when you enter the site .... I hope to help you! ... sorry for my english, I'm using the translator .. =)
it's this show everyday?
it have been so long since i've in this site..i have very packed schedule due to my study..but when i listen to hyung jun,his bright n funny voice give me strengh to me..*uhuk* *uhuk*..
We "~ Triple S Arab
Here we have a lot of fans for ( SS501)
I Love the team very much
I beg U sing the song (I'am (for my sis - njud -
I love you
╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥
║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫
love him. .><
omg!!it's really2 work!!!!i don't believe it..i can listen to my baby voice LIVE...
Because I'm Stupid is playing... awww...
why wont it play? what do i need?
it wont play ;(( desperate! HELLLP !!! please i tried the cookie thing the reload thing. what else do i have to do .please boo hoo ;[[
ok im sure maknae's out. maybe next time ;/
@maorreng: can you see the player? are you sure you have flash installed? if you've tried everything else and it still doesn't play, i'm sorry i don't know how to help you. sometimes it doesn't play for me too. what I do is close my browser, restart my computer and then it plays okay. sometimes it takes a little while to load.
it's from Monday to Friday?
Hyung Jun Aegyeo^^
Young Saeng oppaaaaa
i love u
OMG! I really love Kim Hyung Jun ♥♥♥
I'm so happy to finally hear his voice live..
Thank you so much for sharing this player..
thank you so mcuh for sharing this! :)
hyung jun's voice is just amazing!
now i can listen to him (even if i don't understand korean hehe)
i'm glad you were able to do this!
keep it up!
please answer me..or sorry for my ignorance, is the music high in power fm of love fm ?
hmm.. can i ask again... i have seen a website that has the same player like that and it's power fm but i'm wondering, why is it(music high this and the one in the site which is playing power fm) playing different from each other. they have the same time.... bec.i'm listening to both now... and they're different...
so,the one in this site is power fm or not?
where are you from yujee? i'm not sure, but Music High airs at 2am Korean time. and it's because of Music High that I put this player here. About the other stations or segments, I'm sorry but I don't have any idea about them...
ahhh... wait.... phtriples... I'm so sorry for disturbing you again.... yehey! i found out that they are just the same... and i'm listening to them both now,,, and i realized that they're the same, but one of them is ahead of the other.. that's why i thought they're different...
Yes!!! thank you for time ...
hwaiting for SS501 ... \(♥o♥)/
can't hear anything again..T_______T
Kim Hyung Jun! I'm so inlove with you na!
hi! Umm just asking. What channel is his radio show on? Because i can stream korean radio to my phone! Thank youu
SS501 hwaiting! <3
salam... hi everyone!
Huk! Why does this radio show have to be so late?! It will start at 4AM - 5AM in Australia here...=_=" I can't wake up that early or stay up that late!! >_<
im in australia too! but in perth so it's not that bad only one hours difference so it airs 1 am perth time.
i wonder wat the time difference is from NYC from korea... thanks...
FINALLY FOUND A PLACE WHERE I CAN LISTEN TO THE KOREAN CHANNEL!!! someone should have told me about this website earlier.......happy to hear their recent voices....
SS501 4EVER!!! :D
@Wendy Huang currently it is -14 hours, behind Korea. Example: when it is 2am in Korea(Tuesday 2/8/2011). It is 12pm(noon)in New York (Monday 2/7/2011). Hope this makes sense
ss501 love ya
I'm so happy to listen to joon
love ya 4ever
just want ss501 come back
Iwant listen to
please 'lovess5014ever'
Holy~!!! after 1 week of trying i'm finally hearing him speak!!! *tears of joy*
i guess the player doesn't work on google chrome. i'm using firefox with windows media player plug-in installed. :)
why is HyungJun not on the radio. i try to listen every day but March 14 and on he is not on at 2am korean time. i am in Florida and he should be on at 12 noon. i miss him. do you know when he will be back on the radio?
sounds great!
Instead of watching TV, I'd rather hear sbs radio, especialy music high, sounds great.. to listen to it everytime~ ^^
THx 4 sharing.. kamsahamnida =)
Saying annyeong~ from France!!! I'm gonna listen to Music High it's 7 pm here!! Omo so impatient to hear baby's voice!!! Love from a French TripleS!!!
it doesnt load!
happy bday kim hyung jun!!!
So sad only discovered Music High Live now, just ended 30 minutes ago... At least it it comes on 7pm by me =) To all those having problems listening try changing your web browser. It didn't work when i tried using Firefox but when i used Google Chrome it worked immediately. Hope i helped ^_^v
You're always amazing Hyung Jun!!!
I like Kim hyung because he reminds me of someone I know him in UAE- RAK city, he's eyes and smile =D
I love baby Jun!!! :)
i want ask please tell me i have android i cant heard jony i want program on android ridio SBS music high jony please help meT_________T
Excellent music show!
awwwwwww I really love your personality Kim Hyung Jun !!!!!!!!
I always listen the radio !!!!!!
I really love your voice maknae Kim Hyung Jun and your personality too !!!!!!!
greetings from Peru (South America)
awww my beautiful baby I get excited whenever I hear it I love it
erm could someone kindly explain how i get it to work.... i don't have have daum, naver OR tistory.... so how do i get it to work please?
Thank you ^__^
Everyday 7 days per week
I hear nothing :(
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