I can't help but laugh (OUT LOUD, I may add) when I read these Taiwan articles about Hyung Jun. Some people might misunderstand these write-ups (if they take the words seriously), especially those that don't know him very well. But being a Triple S, I know Baby's personality and reading these news, I'm transported back to their old shows like Thanks For Waking Us Up, IdolWorld, and The Mission, back to all those times I've seen SS501 members bully Maknae because he's the youngest. Hahaha! Especially Jung Min. All these things that Maknae said, he says it LOVINGLY. This is one of the reasons we love SS501 members so much. It's because they're DORKS. And they are so comfortable and have so much fun with each other, they don't even care how their actions might come across to other people. Maknae is always known to be the one always BULLIED (a dorky term, meaning being pranked all the time), Hyun Joong even loves to wrestle him like a toy. LOL. And Jung Min lives to torture him, like Tom does with Jerry. Hahaha! That's what makes them so lovable and endearing to their fans. And we also know how Hyung Jun and his brother Ki Bum are very close with each other. Baby just has this mischievous way of saying things JOKINGLY and LOVINGLY that all of us have grown to love him for.
I know people reading my blog are Triple S, so I don't think I really need to explain myself. But just in case there are new fans who stumble in here or people who don't know SS501 that much yet, don't misunderstand, okay? Get to know these 5 guys first, and like me, you'll just laugh your butt off and love Baby even more because of articles like these! Keke.
Idol Group SS501 Kim Hyung Jun came to Taiwan on 23rd to complain, jokingly said that members are all going into solo careers, although he feels lonesome, but he is happy that he no longer has to be bullied, “I’m the Magnae, everyone loves to bully me, especially Kim Hyun Joong, (doing it) like a mad person.”
Soft Tender Looks, Wants to Act as A Baddie
With a handsome outer appearance and soft tender looks, resembling a “gigolo”, he is always being pranked in the group, “Kim Hyun Joong is always calling me Baby on the stage, or he would pull my pants down, or fool around wearing a towel with my face imprinted on it on his head. He is that crazy.” Although he may get upset at times, but after having meals together, everything would go back to normal.
Enduring all these bullying, he has now started his solo activities, and hopes to have a chance to act as a baddie, or a role that is manlier, with a condition of having action scenes, “I am already prepared to fight in order to release the many years of pent-up anger, haha!”
Good looking Genes, Not Afraid of Comparison
Mother who is a model, has passed down all her exquisite genes to him and his brother, Ki Bum, who is also a singer. The muddle-headed him smilingly stated that they are normally pre-occupied with their own stuff, he only realized (that Ki Bum is having a comeback) when Ki Bum has officially released a new CD.
Whether he is worried that his brother’s group, U-KISS, would surpass him? He replied calmly that, “It is true that they are very popular, but compared to me, they are quite a distance away.”
Credits: The China Times + Trans: Only Jun (kimhyungjun.net)
Kim Hyung Jun Jokingly Exposed Being Bullied in SS501, Jealous That His Pet is More Popular
SS501 Magnae Kim Hyung Jun becomes courageous enough to talk about everything when he comes alone! For his 24th evening First Taiwan Fan Meeting at Taiwan NUS Sports Center, he answered almost all questions posed to him during his interview with Taiwanese media. He even exposed that, “Because he is Magnae, so previously during group activities, he not only has to act as the peacemaker, but also was bullied”, he also revealed that it is true that SS501 has plans to come together next year, and currently all the relevant people are discussing about the most appropriate time to do so.
Since he has always been visiting together with his group, Kim Hyung Jun expressed that he is a little nervous to be coming alone, and had contacted his other group members before coming. With regards to him finally taking up acting, he hopes that he could act as a baddie in the future or a role that is more “MAN” (i.e. manlier role), and it would be best if it requires throwing punches. He even jokingly said that in the past, he used to be always bullied by everyone in SS501, especially by Kim Hyun Joong. Although they (i.e. all members) didn’t really literally fight, but there were times when they threw tantrums and hence he had to take up the role as a peacemaker since he is the magnae. Kim Hyung Jun smilingly said, “Everyone is very petty.”
When asked about his pet dog, Kim Hyung Jun jealously expressed that now everybody is only concerned about his dog, even gifts are all dog foods. He also jokingly put on a sad expression, and comically sends greetings to Taiwanese fans on behalf of his dog, hence showing his playful side. Regarding plans for the 5 members to come together, he expressed that although discussions are still going on, it would require a little more time, and it would be possible next year.
Credits: Taiwan Yahoo News + Trans: Only Jun (kimhyungjun.net)

SS501 Kim Hyung Jun arrived in Taiwan today, almost 300 fans came to welcome him, and upon seeing how fans were supporting him passionately when he appeared, his mood became good, disregarding the staff surrounding him, he walked right straight to his fans to greet them, accepting their gifts and shook hands with fans.
After Kim Hyung Jun touched down in Taiwan, without even exchanging glances with the staff, he walked right straight to his fans and greeted everyone. He expressed that “Coming to Taiwan for this Fan Meeting, the objective is to interact more with the fans!” He is not only friendly, he also cares for his fans.
Different from the past, this time round, Kim Hyung Jun came to greet fans alone, he said, “Because I’m coming alone to Taiwan to greet fans in my own personal capacity, while looking forward to it, I’m also quite nervous.” However, he still emphasized that he really wishes to eat Xiao Long Bao, so wherever he goes, he keeps nagging at the staff with, “Xiao Long Bao! Xiao Long Bao!” Warner expressed that today they would try to think of a way to bring him to eat his dream Xiao Long Bao.
Credits: Taiwan Yahoo News + Trans: Only Jun (kimhyungjun.net)
hehee poor baby,,always being bullied by the other members <3
Baby looks gorgeous in the pictures
HAHAHA!! Xiao Long Bao IS deliciously! ^^
I too laugh out loud while reading these articles ^^
But was worried that some people who do not know ss501 might misunderstand...keke
Still, Hyung Jun was so cute with his replies ^_^
I can't help but feel that he is missing his hyungs and their bullying~~
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